Here's the basic info on me;
Name: HoPe MaRiE Birthday:
OcTobEr 31sT!!! Age: ThE aGe oF sWeEt SiXtEeN..bUt
iM nOT vErY sWeEt..
Hair Color: bRoWn AnD bLaCK :D Eye Color: bRoWn bUt HaZeL!! Nationality:
NaTiOnALiTy Eh?! cAnAdIaN eH? Sex: FeEeE-MaLe!!
LOL!! Height: 5'2 3/4! Where were you born?: ThAt PLaCE!! In tHe HoSpItAL!!
Siblings; Minna(21),
Jake(19), Troy(18), Krystina(22), Karrie(21), Heather(19), Amanda(17),Blaire(14), Ross(14),Taylor(11)
Parents; Tom
and Mary :D
Friend(s)?: Favorite Friends? I don't think I have favorite ones.
But I love my C-holm, Fort mac and Ontario Friends, Thats for sure!
do you like to do with them?: Hang out with them, watch movies, listen to music, do stuff.. lol.. The usual! Drive around!
trustworthy: All my friends are quite trustworthy! DUH That's why they are my friends!!!
Funniest: Well In C-hOlM I'd have to say like Kelso, or Kay or Lucinda.. Quite the character..
lol.. In fort Mac.. Jilly hands down! And Ontario.. well common it's ontario. they are all sillY!
Smartest: NeSsa..ShEs
A brAIn!!
Best Laugh: Oh wow.. Well Kelso, Kaylyn and I were making these stupid laughs.. quite funny
Smile:Oh wow.. if I said.. then you'd notice, and then you'd be like OMG shes so right, so it's my secret!!
Eyes: EyEs.. Shmavid thats for sure!
Funnest to be with: They are all fun, no matter what!
WiErDeSt: KeLsEy..She DoeSnt LoOK iT..bUT YEaH!!!
you woke up one morning and one of your legs were gone...who would you call first?: Well..I'll call the police
to tell them someone stole my legs(i know they are hot and all but give me some warning b4 u take em!)...then I'll call the
ambulance..and then I'll tell my mom!!
Who's the person you talk to most on the phone?:
HrMm mY mOm!!!
Do you have any friends that you have never seen?: Nope,
I cant say that I do
Who do you see the most?: Probably anyone I work with..!!
Who have you known the longest?: Lauren, but I havent seen her..
or talked to her in awhile!
Who's your worst enemy?: I' don't have
any enemies!
Do you have a crush?If so who? Yep I do, but If I announced it, then
it'd be kinda awkward, dontcha think?